Monday, June 6, 2016

Out of the comfort zone

Once upon a time, a king was awarded two eagles.
Then he thought, it would be nice if these eagles to be trained to fly high. He called a famous birds trainer in the country to train these eagles . After a few months, this bird trainer reported: One eagle was flying high in the sky but the other did not budge from the tree. The king called all veterinary experts to examine this beloved eagle but nothing works to make this eagle fly. Various attempts have been made, but eagle has not moved from the tree. Then he met with farmers who are very familiar with the nature of the eagle and the King asked for help the farmer.

The next morning when the King visited this eagle, he was shocked to see this eagle has been flying high. The curious the King asked the farmer what he was it that he had done. The farmer replied, "I just cut the trees that had been its host that makes the eagle comfortable".

We are born to succeed, we are destined to fly high, however, we are hold tight with fears; no one wants to let go of the fear and does not move from his position. Or sometimes we are holding our comfort zone, afraid and unwilling to let go ...fear of failure, fear of disappointment.

Remove all fears, remove the comfort zone, identify yourself and cultivate your strength and confidence. Then you will "fly high". Without us knowing it, God let us experience occasional "cut" the tree that COMFORT us, so that our faith will be more stable and rise to a higher level. Comfort could be on the person or environment that are closest with us.

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